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Year 1998

There are currently 6 items for year 1998 in stock.
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Item picture MITO Tomomi
ai ga afureta hi Audio sample (MP3 stream)
Label: Warner
Catalog no.: WPC6-8487

Released on 1998.9.5 at ¥ 2000
Our Price: ¥ 300Add to shopping cart (40% off!)

Track list:
1. I Know You Feel It
2. aruite ikou
3. ai ga afureta hi
4. totteoki no sanpomichi
5. Rosie

2-pane cardboard sleeve. No obi. Not promo.
Item picture yotsukaidou NATURE
Label: Guntez
Catalog no.: GUNCD-1002

Released on 1998.5.25 at ¥ 1365
Our Price: ¥ 200Add to shopping cart (50% off!)

Track list:
1. sanji (feat. TYPEWRITER)
2. Urban Combatt 2001
3. sanji (Instrumental)

Hip hop.

Obi (sticker on wrapping). Not promo.
Item picture Coba
Conscious Nega (subconscious)
Label: EMIミュージック・ジャパン
Catalog no.: TOCT-10222

Released on 1998.4.16 at ¥ 2548
Our Price: ¥ 510Add to shopping cart (40% off!)

Track list:
1. tenshi no sebone (Eye Vocal Version)
2. Bar Cord Finger Printer
3. Crepuscule
4. mou hitotsu no yokan -another Presentiment-
5. kitayume -dream Of The North-
6. L’homme jikan o tomete (Treatment Mix)
7. History
8. Syndrome

No obi. Not promo.
Item picture Coba
Conscious Posi
Label: Toshiba EMI
Catalog no.: TOCT-10221

Released on 1998.4.16 at ¥ 2548
Our Price: ¥ 420Add to shopping cart (40% off!)

Track list:
1. eye
2. Don Pietro no kiseki -Don Pietro's Footprint-
3. Crepuscule
4. mou hitotsu no yokan -Another Presentiment-
5. Rendez-vous
6. Casa S. Francesco
7. History
8. Syndrome

Features Yoshié on track 6.

Obi. Not promo.
Item picture D.A.T.
Perfumed Garden
Label: Lovin' Circle
Catalog no.: LOCD-028

Released on 1998.4.10 at ¥ 1680
Our Price: ¥ 210Add to shopping cart (40% off!)

Track list:
1. Perfumed Garden (Hewson Richard Anthony)
2. You're Always On My Mind (TAKAHASHI Kyosuke)
3. koi no yukue (TAKAHASHI Kyosuke)
4. Perfumed Garden (Liquid Mix)

D.A.T. is Dub Archanoid Trim.

Digipak. No obi. Not promo.
Item picture Elekihachimaki
Weekend View (Promo)
Label: Victor
Catalog no.: CDS-625

Released in 1998
Our Price: ¥ 480Add to shopping cart (20% off!)

Track list:
1. You Gotta Moon
2. I like the way
3. (It's a) Gloomy day
5. Whistle
6. for the unknown paradise

Promo-only, for collectors. Does NOT include the two bonus remixes found on commercial release.

Rare promo-only vinyl package.

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