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SHIMIZU Hirotaka  RSS ?

After the break-up of band Bridge, guitarist SHIMIZU Hirotaka went on to sing with a band called The PLUMs which didn't do any notable release. Around 1997, he started a solo career during which he released 5 maxi-singles and one album ("kaze no yukue ~Blow Wind~"). In 2000 he formed a band called Ash-Ray with drummer ARAKI Yuko (mi-gu) and together they released one maxi-single, titled "Nothing's Gonna Change My Way".

Recently, Shimmy (his nickname) has been playing guitar and bass on stage and in studio, in support of artists including Cornelius and Chocolat & Akito. He has also written and produced songs for Heaco and other artists.

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Item picture SHIMIZU Hirotaka
kaze no yukue ~ Blow Wind
Label: Universal
Catalog no.: MVCH-29005

Released on 1997.9.22 at ¥ 3045
Our Price: ¥ 560Add to shopping cart (30% off!)

Track list:
1. taiyou ga niau basho
2. Weeps ~kare no kotoba~
3. Window Of The Mind
4. Happy Talk
5. Girlfriend ~kawaii akuma~
6. Indian River
7. Love Communcation
8. kaze
9. bokura no fuukei
10. Heavenly

Ex-guitarist of Bridge.

Obi (thin cardboard sleeve over jewel case side and contour slightly discolored from sun exposure). CD is shrink-wrapped! Brand new!

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