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OONISHI Yukari to shinsekai  RSS ?

There are currently 2 items by OONISHI Yukari to shinsekai in stock.
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Item picture OONISHI Yukari to shinsekai
chotto machigaeta
Label: Hustle
Catalog no.: BSCL-35024

Released on 2006.9.20 at ¥ 1260
Our Price: ¥ 375Add to shopping cart (50% off!)

Track list:
1. chotto machigaeta
3. Tsuutenkaku BLUES
4. chotto machigaeta (Karaoke)

Track 2 is a cover of WADA Akiko, song written by YOKOYAMA Ken (Crazy Ken Band).

Obi. Not promo. Brand new! Shink-wrapped!
Item picture OONISHI Yukari to shinsekai
5 kyoku iri
Label: Hustle
Catalog no.: BSCL-30010

Released on 2003.3.21 at ¥ 2100
Our Price: ¥ 420Add to shopping cart (30% off!)

Track list:
1. akai natsu
2. nigai namida
3. koi no SMART BALL
4. namida no mizuumi ’72
5. Tiger & Dragon

Track 5 is a cover of Crazy Ken Band.

Obi. Promo (sticker over bar code on obi).

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