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KAJI Hideki  RSS ?

KAJI HidekiFormer bassist for Bridge, 1967 born KAJI Hideki's first solo work "Muscat E.P." was released in August 1996, followed by his first album "Mini Skirt", an instant smash hit.

While kept busy with his frequent releases, KAJI Hideki also wrote and produced songs for other artists such as Chocolat and KATŌ Noriko.

Kaji-kun (as called by his fans) is a Sweden fanatic, and some of his works were produced by Tore Johansson at the famous Tambourine Studios. His refreshing guitar pop sound is referred to as "Swedish pop" by Japanese.

After having been with the now defunct Shibuya-kei label Trattoria for a long time, KAJI Hideki is now with the post-Trattoria label Felicity.

KAJI Hideki links
Official site­kajihideki/­
Label page at Felicity­kaji/­

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