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Tokyo independant electronic artist HOSAKA Akane uses her Moog, Stylophone, and what sounds like an endless toy box, to make delightful melodies that must be heard by those who like MINEKAWA Takako and Perrey & Kingsley.

So far she has released 3 home-made CD-R albums that have been sold in only a few select shops in Japan such as Enban in Koenji, Tokyo. The albums all have irresistibly cute collage artwork, titles are "Electric for small drop channel" (2004), "ele-KID-on" (2005) and "niko niko denki muzic" (2007). In 2006 was also released a 2-song 7" on Enban's label.

In May 2008, her 3rd album "niko niko denki muzic" is being released remastered by NAGATA Kazunao with bonus tracks on label Sonore.

In October 2012 she releases 4th album "pikkonoco" independently, now available to the world here on Tokyo Recohan.

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Item picture HOSAKA Akane
pikkonoco Audio sample (MP3 stream)
Released in 2012.10
Our Price: ¥ 700Add to shopping cart

Track list:
1. osoba to mugi
2. 60's Dream My Home
3. ame no hi
4. kachikachi Typewriter
5. gaikoku ryokou
6. uchuu no korisu-chan
7. kurashi
8. Vous dancez?
9. Mecha Bird "Chika"
10. 1!2!pikotan (1!2!Sports Remix)

"pikkonoco" is also avalable digitally on Bandcamp.

Original CD-R. Brand new! Sealed!

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