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There is currently one item by Afra in stock.
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Item picture Afra
Always Fresh Rhythm Attack
Label: Oddjob
Catalog no.: ZBCB-1004

Released on 2003.10.22 at ¥ 2300
Our Price: ¥ 665Add to shopping cart (30% off!)

Track list:
1. Intro
2. It's Beatbox
3. Skit 1 (say future chin-don)
4. amema City
5. Interrude
6. Night Shift
7. goisu Beats
9. Skit 2 (blow out flow)
10. Busy Bee Shouts
11. Afra The Tounguetable (live @ DMC Japan Final)
12. It's Beatvox
13. Outro
14. Hot Dog

Japan's most famous human beatbox Afra. Produced by Scha Dara Parr. Guest appearances by Scha Dara Parr, Sly Mongoose, Art of Vibes, etc.

Obi. Not promo.

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