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Soup was active from 1994 until about 2000, and formed of leader ARAKI Susumu with TANUMA Tetsuhiro (from 1997) and OGAWA Atsushi (until 1998). They were first released on TAKANAMI K-taro's (Pizzicato Five) label Out of tune, back when they were also the backing band to Transistor Glamour (T.V. Jesus' TERAMOTO Rieko's solo project).

Their sound smartly mixes elements of soul and funk with a touch of J-pop.

Soup links
Unofficial site­soupindex.htm

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Item picture Soup
Fresh? & Yummy? Audio sample (MP3 stream)
Label: BMG Victor
Catalog no.: BVCR-786

Released on 1997.4.23 at ¥ 3059
Our Price: ¥ 375Add to shopping cart (50% off!)

Track list:
1. Where You At?
2. Midnight Aventure
3. Ellie
4. In My Life
5. Freedom
6. For You
7. My Angel
8. Fantasy
9. All Right
10. Get Away!
11. Oh Darlin' (Human Dry Mix)

Obi. Not promo.
Item picture Soup
Label: BMG Victor
Catalog no.: BVCR-747

Released on 1996.5.22 at ¥ 3059
Our Price: ¥ 250Add to shopping cart (50% off!)

Track list:
1. Chi Chi Palon
2. Welcome
3. sukidakara
4. Need your smile
5. Everybody is a Star
6. Just wait for you
7. Shake! a Brain
8. Taboo!
9. Invader
10. Planets on the peanuts
11. Forever

CD has light scratches but passed test spin. Obi. Not promo.
Item picture Soup
I Miss You
Label: Christmas
Catalog no.: XMCR-8803

Released on 1995.10.21 at ¥ 1500
Our Price: ¥ 250Add to shopping cart (50% off!)

Track list:
1. I Miss You (Sweet Version)
2. Sun & Lovers (Saturday Night Version)
3. Sunrise (Texas Version)
4. Starlight (Beautiful Version)
5. Everybody Is A Star

Obi says: "More, King of Groove. We now present 4 re-recorded re-mix re-mastered sweet & mellow numbers from 1st album 'future leader' and a bonus track."

Obi. Not promo.

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