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Halcali  RSS ?

Halcali is a young hip-hop duo formed of two girls, Halca and Yucali. The unit was formed in 2002 by audition, and is mostly produced by O.T.F ("oshare Track Factory"), production alias of Rip Slyme members Ryo-Z and DJ Fumiya.

Halcali have also collaborated with the likes of Fantastic Plastic Machine, Scha Dara Parr, m-flo, Rhymester, MORIBAYASHI Miho (Hi-Posi), and have been remixed by ISHINO Takkyu (Denki Groove), KAWANABE Hiroshi (Tokyo No.1 Soul Set), Halfby, Yuka HONDA (Cibo Matto) and many others. Since their 2005 move to Epic/Sony, they have also been collaborating with i-Dep.

So far Halcali have done great at pleasing both the younger crowd and the older club scene.

Halcali links
Official site­
Fan blog in English­

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